Population and Demography


  • Author: Sanna Manjang, Director of Coordination, Statistical Methods, Quality Assurance & Dissemination
  • Published: September 27, 2021 1:22 pm

TERMS OF REFERENCE  (to be completed by Hiring Office)

Hiring Office:


Closing date:

Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS)

The Statistician-General, GBoS

11th October 2021 at 12noon.

Purpose of Consultancy:

Unlike most countries, The Gambia conducted her first ever Demographic and Health Survey in 2012/13 and a second one in 2019/20. The DHS collected data on typical DHS topics such as demographic and housing characteristics, marriage and sexuality, fertility, family planning, infant and child mortality, reproductive health, child health, nutrition of women and children, malaria, HIV/AIDS, women’s empowerment, domestic violence and adult and maternal mortality. Tabulations for these surveys were largely based on the standard DHS tabulation plan.  

The Gambia faces many challenges in improving most of her development indicators. For example, fertility and mortality indicators continue to be among the highest in the sub-region. Regional disparities continue to exist in most of the indicators mainly along the rural-urban divide. Some indicators also mirror the negative consequences of poverty, poor infrastructure, discrimination against women and girls, and the effect of education on knowledge and attitude. Despite the fact that many national initiatives have been undertaken to improve some indicators through targeted interventions to reduce socio-economic disparities, differential in indicators continue to be observed across socio-economic groups. This was evident in the 2013 population and housing census and the DHS results.


To adequately plan for interventions aimed at addressing these disparities would require in-depth knowledge on the extent to which these factors influence selected key indicators. This would require in-depth analysis of the DHS datasets beyond the scope already undertaken in the DHS report already published. To undertake such an analysis would entail the generation of indices using variables in the DHS datasets. It is quite common for a poverty index to be generated for such exercises. If feasible multivariate analysis can be undertaken to gauge how much socio-economic differentials can influence indicators. The proposed in-depth analysis of the DHS dataset provides an opportunity to analyse some of the country-specific questions included in the survey. Where possible triangulation of the findings of the in-depth analysis with past surveys could enhance the understanding of disparities in key indicators across population groups.


Scope of work:


(Description of services, activities, or outputs)

The in-depth analysis would be undertaken using the 2019/20 DHS dataset. Where possible trend analysis would be embarked upon using the 2012/13 DHS dataset. The analysis of the findings of the two DHS would provide an opportunity to examine trends in key indicators across socio-economic groups. With a wealth index generated, the study would examine key indicators across background characteristics such as age, sex, education, household size and wealth quintile. As much as possible the analysis would look at differentials across Local Government Areas and rural/urban residence. With the myriad of the variables collected in the DHS, there is an opportunity with the in-depth analysis to better understand key factors that influence differentials in indicators.

To produce a final report on the in-depth analysis of the DHS, the consultant is expected to undertake the following;


  • Hold discussions with Gambia Bureau of Statistics on how he intends to perform the task and prepare an inception report for the task ahead;
  • Review the contents of the 2012/13 and 2019/20 DHS datasets and develop a report outline and an analysis plan in consultation with GBoS;
  • Guided by the analysis plan, produce a list of dummy tables;
  •  Generate analytical tables for use in the report writing;
  • Produce a draft report;
  • Share the draft report with partners for comments and incorporate comments before finalizing the report;
  • Produce a final report in electronic and hard copy form;
  • Present his/her findings in a validation work shop

Duration and working schedule:

Two months

Place where services are to be delivered:

Gambia Bureau of Statistics, Kanifing Municipal Area

Delivery dates and how work will be delivered (e.g. electronic, hard copy etc.):

The consultant is expected to undertake the following activities and deliver the following;


  • Produce an inception report detailing out the methodology for the study and an outline of the report he/she would be expected to produce;
  • Work closely with GBoS officials in all phases of the exercise to ensure he/she is provided the requisite guidance and support;
  • In the interest of quality control, share all draft documents produced with UNFPA and GBoS prior to finalization;
  • A hard copy and an electronic copy of the report should be delivered to GBoS by end of December, 2021.

Monitoring and progress control, including reporting requirements, periodicity format and deadline:

The consultant is expected to work in close consultation with senior management at GBoS and the NPO, P&D/M&E, UNFPA. For the smooth running of the consultancy, the consultant should provide weekly updates of progress of work to the Statistician General, GBoS.

Supervisory arrangements:

Overall supervision of the consultant would be the responsibility of the Statistician General who would be supported by the NPO, P&D/M&E, UNFPA.

Expected travel:

The consultancy is a local one and since the consultant is expected to work on existing datasets he/she would not be required to travel.

Required expertise, qualifications and competencies, including language requirements:

The candidate for this consultancy must satisfy the following qualifications and experience;


  • The successful candidate must have a postgraduate degree in education, economics, development studies, public policy, health, demography or a relate disciplines.


  • The consultant should have at least 5 years experience in socio-economic research with documentary evidence of such experience.


  • Additional experience in academic research would be an advantage.


  • The candidate should have a good knowledge of population issues.


Inputs / services to be provided by UNFPA or implementing partner (e.g support services, office space, equipment), if applicable:

GBoS would provide the datasets for the analysis (2013 and 2019/20 DHS) and help clarify the contents of the datasets. UNFPA would provide technical support in the course of the consultancy.

Other relevant information or special conditions, if any:

Funds for the consultancy have been disbursed to GBoS and all payments related to the consultancy would be effected by the Bureau.



Signature of Requesting Officer in Hiring Office:




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