The Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS) in collaboration with The World Bank will be conducting the 2019 Migration survey.
The 2019 Gambia Migration survey is a national sample survey designed to provide up-to-date information on international migration dynamics in The Gambia. The GBoS, as a neutral organization will conduct interviews with a large number of Gambians all over the country to collect information on households. The data collected from respondents, with a focus on the youth (18-25) and return migrants will provide information to address challenges related to emigration and reintegration in The Gambia. The survey will focus on three main areas: (i) understanding why emigration and reintegration are important for the country (ii) how emigration and reintegration impact Gambian households and communities and (iii) the challenges migrants face when they return from abroad.
Although, migration is an opportunity to work, and study abroad and has benefits; existing challenges should not be ignored. The Gambia Bureau of Statistics will offer a platform to the Gambians to share their views and experiences on emigration and reintegration and their consequences on people’s lives. The timing is critical, and people’s voice should be heard among decision makers including government and development partners for better policy design.
The study will be conducted during the second half of August and early September 2019. Results should be expected early 2020. The GBoS wishes to assure all persons resident in the sampled locations that all information collected during this survey will be kept confidential and would only be used strictly for statistical purposes. The Bureau therefore solicits the cooperation and participation of all those selected for the survey.
The 2019 Gambia Migration survey is funded by The World Bank and implemented by The Gambia Bureau of Statistics.