2013 Population and Housing Census Reports

Census 2013 - Access to ICT

Census 2013 - Access to ICT

This is Volume 14 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report contains information on the population with regard to Access to Information and Communications Technology (ICT). The information contained in this report will enable government not only to formulate appropriate sectoral action plans but also monitor and assess the impact of implemented policies relating to the media and ICT.

Census 2013 - Children Report

Census 2013 - Children Report

This is Volume 11 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report contains information on children and their characteristics. The information contained in this report will enable government to not only formulate appropriate sector action plans but also monitor and assess the impact of implemented policies on children.

Census 2013 - Compounds and  Buildings Structures

Census 2013 - Compounds and Buildings Structures

This is volume 1 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census. It contains information related to building stock statistics such as number and types of buildings, number of compounds, number of households, and number of persons living in defined geographic spaces such as settlements, districts and Local Government Areas. This report also provides information on the type of construction materials of buildings/structures.

Census 2013 - Directory of Settlement

Census 2013 - Directory of Settlement

This is volume 10 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census. It shows the list of all settlements within districts across all the Local Government Areas at the time of the census enumeration

Census 2013 - National Disability Report

Census 2013 - National Disability Report

This is Volume 12 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report addresses salient benchmarks on persons with disabilities in The Gambia. The information contained in the report will enable government to not only formulate appropriate sector action plans but also monitor and assess the impact of implemented policies on persons with disabilities.

Census 2013 - Economic Characteristics

Census 2013 - Economic Characteristics

This is Volume 7 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report provides information on the population with regards to the labour market (employed, unemployed, economically active and inactive population and the dependency rate/ratios). This is to enable the government to formulate appropriate action plans and allocate necessary resources for improving the economic situation and eventually solving various problems relating to the country’s work force. The age of the economically active is lowered to 7 years so as to capture children of school-going age who are working.

Census 2013 - Education Characteristics

Census 2013 - Education Characteristics

This is Volume 8 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report addresses several education indicators for policy making and other stakeholder monitoring of education sector development

Census 2013 - Fertility Analysis and Evaluation

Census 2013 - Fertility Analysis and Evaluation

This is Volume 2 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. Presented in this report is an analysis of fertility trends and differential across socio- economic groups.

Census 2013 - Gender Report

Census 2013 - Gender Report

This is Volume 9 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census Report. The report contains information on gender differentials on social and economic characteristics of the population. The information contained in this report will enable government to not only formulate appropriate sector action plans but also monitor and assess the impact of implemented policies on gender equality objectives. We hope the information in the report will complement other data to enhance policy formulation on gender and contribute to the improvement of quality of life for all Gambians.

Census 2013 - Housing and Household Characteristics

Census 2013 - Housing and Household Characteristics

This is volume 6 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census and the information is related to housing and household characteristics. It provides information on the number and type of households, different types of family settings, average household size, tenure of accommodation and other household characteristics such as sources of drinking water and light, types of toilet facilities, place of bath, cooking place etc. It also gives some basic demographic characteristics of household heads such as age, sex, marital status etc.

Census 2013 - National Migration Analysis

Census 2013 - National Migration Analysis

This is volume 4 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report provides an analysis of migration in The Gambia as observed in 2013. The report is structured in three chapters. The introductory chapter attempts to define some key concepts in the report. It also discusses the scope and limitations of the censuses in addressing certain issues that may be of interest in studying migration, the methodology used in analysing the data and the theoretical considerations made in the analysis. Cross classifying place of birth by place of enumeration, chapter 2 looks at the movement of Gambians between Local Government Areas and the characteristics of these internal migrants whilst chapter 3 looks at population movements into the country with a view to reflecting on their settlement patterns and socio – economic characteristics.

Census 2013 - Mortality Analysis and Evaluation

Census 2013 - Mortality Analysis and Evaluation

This is Volume 3 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report provides estimates of the mortality status of the population at certain reference periods. The main objective of the report is to provide updates on mortality figures for policy makers, data users and researchers.

Census 2013 - Elderly Report

Census 2013 - Elderly Report

This is Volume 13 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The population aged 65 years and over is an important and growing segment of the population of The Gambia. The ageing population as in most Sub-Saharan African countries is becoming a development problem and needs a comprehensive solution. This publication on the elderly population provides data on the socio-demographic characteristics of the elderly needed for policy and planning purposes. In light of the anticipated growth of this segment of our population, it is increasingly important for policy makers, families and the public to have data that provides an insight into the characteristics of the elderly population for effective planning towards their welfare.

Census 2013 - Youth Report

Census 2013 - Youth Report

This is Volume 15 of the 2013 Population and Housing Census report. The report provides information on the population with regards to the youths. The main objective of the report is to provide policy makers, data users and researchers with information on socio–cultural characteristics of the youth population of The Gambia and also youth population trends across Local Government Areas (LGAs) and place of residence.

Census 2013 - Spatial Distribution Report

Census 2013 - Spatial Distribution Report

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